Question about Player Name

This is mostly for Dr. MacCall and Daniel, but is too long for a tweet…

In one of my pictures, I can easily identify the Texas player, but the number of the Alabama defender is hidden:


Based on the time on the photo’s metadata (20:43.41) coupled with a video of the game I found and the field position, I’m confident that this player is 27 – Justin Woodall, a defensive back. I took some screen shots from the video:

Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 4.01.01 PMScreen Shot 2015-04-26 at 3.35.22 PM

Obviously, these are taken from a different angle, but it appears to be the same place. Can I identify the player as number 27, even though my information isn’t coming directly from the image? If not, can I add something in the description to say it’s likely #27 and such and such play? Or is this “guessing” too much?


My little set up! I’m still such a paper thinker, I made a little “cheat sheet” with each element on it , copied it nine times and am using it for physical notes before entering data into Omeka. It’s working really well so far! Hoping to finish up the more descriptive type elements tonight before finishing up the more subject type elements tomorrow. Huzzah!

You Get What You Pay For…


I mean, I get the appeal ($$$), but a thumbnail of the photo being worked on would be SO nice (among other things).

Related: Two elements (Publisher & Identifier) down for each photo, 16 to go!!!

After Dr. MacCall’s comment and using Omeka a bit more, it’s not as bad as my knee-jerk reaction. However, I would still really, really, really like a thumbnail of the photo included 🙂

Contributor Element

Question for Becca —

In your guidelines, you say that Contributor is not required since some photos will not have that information, but later it also says that if the information is not available, use “Unknown” (like Stephanie’s Creator element). Do you have a preference?

Thanks so much!! 🙂

Those Digital Repository Presentations

I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to all the AWESOME presentations last week. They were all such interesting topics that I had really no idea about prior to class. (Special shout-out to Katie & Latasha for their rockin’ and engaging slides to complement their presentations… I always struggle with that part).

We are doing such important, cool work in libraries!

A professor at my alma mater recently wrote this blog post where he discovered one of his favorite authors, Brian Moore, who died in 1999, was sort of a ghost on Google. I’m so excited for the future of technical services and archives/special collections where we’re changing this, slowly but surely! Obviously, we’re not quite at the Google stage yet (for all we know there’s a giant Brian Moore digital archive out there that’s just not very discoverable yet) — but it’s on the horizon!

Ready for indexing!

I’m starting to actually dig in to indexing my images, taking a look at final guidelines, looking at pictures, getting my feet wet. It’s times like this when I really wished I still had a desktop with two ginormous (compared to my laptop screen) screens, like I do at work. (I even contemplated asking my boss if I could use my work computer for this indexing–two monitors, lots of desk space, some speakers with Spotify tunes streaming–bliss). But, for now, I’m going to catch up on blog posts, take notes on paper, look at my images on my iPad, batten down the hatches and DO this thing! 🙂

Note on Football “Stuff”…

Hey all!

I’m not a football whiz kid by any means, and I’ve only ever watched one entire college game (when I was physically in Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Nebraska–go ‘skerrrrs and stuff!), but I love me some Minnesota Vikings (SKOL!) and I watch nearly every week. So, while I’m not great at differentiating between specific positions on the line, I do have a working knowledge and a legion of people at my disposal that can talk about football for hours on end. Basically, what I’m saying is feel free to ask me questions on here, twitter, (or the SLIS #9 Facebook group if you want to start it privately and then move it to the PLN) and I’ll do my best to help. We’re all in this together!


I got into Omeka to play around and upload my images tonight! Starting to get excited for this. I think I was able to update the Publisher element to use Simple Vocab for Paul W. Bryant Museum in the drop-down menu. If it’s not working for you as you’re indexing, let me know and I’ll troubleshoot.

I updated my images with temporary titles as my initials and a number (i.e. TO-1), just so that it was easier to pick mine out of the list as I’m learning the Omeka interface. Hope that’s okay!

As an aside, how do y’all pronounce Omeka? Dr. MacCall said “Oh-may-ka” in class, and that’s how I imagined it to sound, but then at the LibTechConf, a lady was pronouncing it “Oh-meck-a” which sounded SO wrong to me!